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Past Programs

April 27, 2018

Paul Ross and Philippe Callens

Celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the Fried-for-All

April 29, 2016

Paul Ross and Bruce Hamilton

Renowned west coast dance leader Bruce Hamilton joins the Lenox Assembly in 2016 as guest teacher.

April 25, 2014

Paul Ross and Robin Hayden

In 2014, the Lenox Assembly is held on two separate weekends--one in April, the other in May--to accommodate more dancers. Each weekend's planned program is essentially the same as the other's.

April 26, 2013

Paul Ross and Andrew Shaw

Andrew Shaw, dance leader, historian, and reconstructor from Great Britain, joins the weekend as guest teacher.

April 27, 2012

Paul Ross and Robin Hayden

Robin Hayden returns as guest teacher in the Assembly's fourth year.

May 06, 2011

Paul Ross and Philippe Callens

The second guest teacher to join the Lenox Assembly is Philippe Callens, dance teacher, leader, and choreographer from Belgium.

April 30, 2010

Paul Ross and Robin Hayden

The second year of the Lenox Assembly, with Robin Hayden as the weekend's first guest teacher.

April 24, 2009

Paul Ross and Robin Hayden

The Lenox Assembly is founded by Paul Ross and Robin Hayden, with support from Lenox Assembly Committee members Deb Karl, Marcelle Lipke, Lynn Milich, Arlene Goldberg, and Carolyn Klinger Williams.


The posters of the planned programs were created by Marcelle Lipke and represent what the teachers planned to present for each workshop and evening dance. Actual dance lists varied, of course.

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